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Confirmed Societies:
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Book a Booth in the Society Hall

To book a booth or roundtable slot at Virtual Stampex 2024, please complete the form below.

You must be a recognised philatelic society to book a booth in the Society Hall. 

If you are a philatelic professional (dealer, auctioneer etc.), you need to book a Booth in the Booth Hall. 


Society Booths are subsidised by the PTS and Stampex as part of our commitment to collaborating with like minded philatelic organisations to promote all aspects of the hobby.  


Society Booths are £250 incl. VAT.


Book early to secure the best possible position on the floor! There are only 10 Society Booths available this year.

If you book a booth this year, you will have first refusal on the same space next year.

Virtual Stampex 2024 Society Booth Booking Form
I'd like to book the following for my society:

Thanks for submitting your booking form. The team will be in touch soon.

What is Virtual Stampex?

irtual Stampex gives collectors around the world the chance to explore the very best of the Stampex brand from the comfort of their own home.


Virtual Stampex provides magazines, societies, blog owners, YouTube channel owners and more with a global philatelic event to talk about and celebrate.


No travel or logistics costs

No hotel and restaurant costs

No printing costs or signage

No display case or pricing label costs

No crate hire, table cloth hire, additional furniture hire

No physical insurance in case of theft

No time spent packing up and packing down or reconfiguring stock

No time spent travelling


Click on the main Virtual Stampex page to see what's on and check out the videos below to get a feel for the show!

What's included in a Society Booth?

We're here to help you build an impactful booth! And to help you market your attendance over three months of promotions.


The Society Hall will feature 10 societies from around the world. These will be allocated on a first come first served basis. 


Details of what is included in a Society Booth can be found in the table below:

Whats included society.png

Give your society a boost!

Top measures of success:


New Members! Show off the very best of your society's offer and community!


Collector data/ “hits”. As collectors link directly to your website, you can maximise retention of customer information and contact whether that be adding a business card to an order, or having collectors sign up to your mailing list.


Journal / Publications. Link directly to your magazine, newsletter, journal, and publications.


Subscribers/ Followers. Use your booth to encourage visitors to sign up to your mailing list, or to follow you on social media.


Online community exposure. Even if your society is not very “digital”, Virtual Stampex gives you an easy way to present your society to a digitally aware collector community – giving you the opportunity to test out a new website or help you grow or step into the online community.


Global reach. Unlike a physical show, there are no barriers to reaching the global community at Virtual Stampex. Find new members for your society with shared interests and passions. 

Top Tips

Ahead of the show

• Inform your members/ distribution list/ social following that you will be available for live chat during the show so that they can chat to you via video about their interests. You can even host a society wide chatroom from your booth!

• If you have a special offer for visitors to your Booth, make sure you send out incentives to register and visit. e.g. half price membership, free magazine

• Promote your attendance at the show – the Virtual Stampex brand is strong and recognised globally, so link your society to the show as early and as often as possible.

• Set up a page on your own website with more links and offers which you can link to from your Booth.


During the show and On Demand period

• Be active on the chat if you can. You don’t need to chat – your Booth will still be interactive with links – but with the new functionality allowing you to proactively engage with those who are at your booth, why not connect? It’s the same as someone slowing down as they walk past your stand at a physical show, and you might say “Hello, have you heard of our society? Do you collect xx? Did you know we're open to new members, including beginners?”

• Keep promoting your presence via your mailing lists/ social presence to encourage engagement with your existing and potentially new members.

• Get involved in wider show initiatives like a Society Roundtable.

Opening Hours

The show will be LIVE 24 hours a day from 08:00 BST on the 2nd May to 07:59 BST on the 5th May

The show will then remain On Demand until the 31st May.

The show is free to attend for visitors and can be access from laptop, computer, mobile and tablet. 

Booth Holder FAQs

My Booth

  • Can I have a booth without the chat function and just have images and links? Yes. You can do as much or as little live chat as you like or we can switch it off all together.

  • Can I use Zoom/ FaceTime from my booth? There is no need for visitors and booth holders to run multiple engagement platforms. Video and audio is integrated within the virtual show chat function. Alternatively, you could add a link on your booth to your own hosted zoom events. You could also have a link to allow visitors to book a private slot with you to discuss their collecting needs or interests.

  • Can I put my own face and/or body behind the stand? A choice of template avatars is available as standard. You can also choose not to have an avatar but just to have your booth and images/ links. Your face can be made available in the chat function if you include a photo to upload to your profile as part of your booth build. If you would like your own custom avatar, there is a cost associated with this.

  • Who builds my booth? For Premium, Standard and Society Booths, you can build your own booth, giving you full control of graphics, links and reps. A guide will be provided. The PTS & Stampex Team is also on hand to support. For Simple Booths, the PTS & Stampex Team will build your booth for you.

  • Do I need to be available 24 hours a day for three days straight? You can choose what hours you are available depending on which time zones you’d like to serve. You can also have multiple reps on one booth so you could handover to another. Alternative, you can choose to have an “unmanned” booth.

  • Will I be able to see how many referrals my own website/ eBay store is getting from my booth? We recommend booths track their own acquisition from Virtual Stampex using their own insights tools (e.g. Google Analytics)

  • Can I share a booth?  Yes, you can! We just need to have one PTS Member contact who will lead on all of the coordination as each booth needs a Primary Booth rep. The Booth Name will be “Member 1 / Member 2” for example “XY Stamps/ AB Auctions”. Both PTS Members / Teams will be set up with booth admin status to enable chat, status, bookings etc. You can split images and links across your two businesses.

  • What do I need to do to get ready for Virtual Stampex?

    • Book your booth, prepare the files, images, links etc. for your booth

    • Prepare what you will need for the show itself e.g. staffing to help with chats, extra/ new stock loaded onto your store, updated website to link visitors to, updated brochures, a pre-recorded video etc.

    • Ensure your own technical set up is suitable including audio/video and internet speed

    • Follow guides and build deadlines which the PTS & Stampex Team will provide

    • Attend a training session on the basics of how to run your booth including how to chat

    • Market your attendance at the show



Booth Pricing

  • Can I have two booths or three? Yes, you can choose if you would like the two booths together or separated along the scrolling floor, left or right.

  • Are any discounts available? We have already made price reductions to Booth Hire this year. We do not offer any other discounts or offers on booth pricing or add-ons.



Technical/ Data

  • Has the chat feature been improved this year? Yes, there have been some developments made to the chat widget and we have a new Chat Guide which we will issue to all booth holders ahead of the show. We will also help visitors understand more about how to get the most from the Live Chat feature.

  • Do I need to download Zoom or an app to be able to use the booth’s Audio and Video functions? No, text, audio and video functionality is all built into the Virtual Stampex experience. There is no need for any software download for booth holders or visitors.

  • Are there any issues with download speed or bandwidth issues if there are so many booths, files and webinars all live at the same time? There are no loading or bandwidth issues on the Virtual Stampex side. Issues of slow downloads, delays in interactions or frozen videos are on the side of the user and their internet speed. Users may be booth holders, Stampex Talks hosts or visitors. We recommend all booth holders and speakers check that their internet speed is suitable for activities like live streaming TV and watching YouTube channels. Visitors will also be advised that their Virtual experience may be slow if they have a poor internet connection on their device.

  • Is Virtual Stampex GDPR Compliant? Virtual Stampex is hosted by’s data privacy SLA states that vFairs will constantly ensure the use of the latest state-of-the art technology and procedures at its disposal to guarantee the security of the data hosted. Booth holder information will be held as per The Philatelic Traders Society Ltd. data privacy policy. On registration, visitors will agree to the terms and conditions of attending the virtual show which will include information on how their data will be used. Individual booth holders are required to meet GDPR compliance on data exchanged on their own booths including chats.


PTS Membership

Yes, you need to be a PTS Member to take a booth. This ensures all booth holders are vetted and approved so we can ensure the philatelic integrity of the Stampex brand. We want visitors to know that they can trust those they are buying from, selling to, or getting advice from. The PTS can also help facilitate any issues between booth holders and visitors, giving all parties peace of mind. If you are a philatelic society, provided you are recognised within your national society body,  you can take a booth. If you are not sure if you need to become a member, you can contact us at

You can apply here: The process can take up to 3 months but we will endeavour to process applications relating to Virtual Stampex booths within 1 month. Your booking will be held in a pending state until your PTS Membership application is processed. If your application is successful, you will then be invoiced for your booth. 



Payment Terms/ Cancellation Policy

After you have submitted your Booth Booking Form, the PTS will email you to confirm your booking and confirm your Booth Number. The PTS Team will then add you to the Booth Holders list on the website, and announce your attendance across social media, and in any upcoming PTS & Stampex Newsletter.


You will then receive your invoice for Virtual Stampex 2024. The payment terms is 14 days. As this invoice must be paid before the Show Build, if you submit your Booth Booking Form in the two weeks before 6th April, the payment term will be immediate.


Thank you in advance for paying your invoice on time. This helps the PTS pay their bills associated with this event on time too.


Due to the way this digital event is built, no cancellations/ refunds will be granted after payment for your booth has been received. You do not need to staff your booth during the live event, but your booth presence will still be visible and all promotions associated with your booking will still be published.

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